导航痕迹 williamhill威廉希尔官网 威廉希尔中文官网 公司首页 团队队伍 教授 土壤与植物营养学系 正文 团队概况 教授 副教授 讲师及其他 党政管理人员 兰婷 2023年02月16日 个人信息简介 姓名:兰婷 职称:教授、硕导 电子邮箱:tlan@sicau.edu.cn 研究方向:土壤质量提升,农田土壤碳氮耦合循环过程机制及其生产环境效应 学术任职:中国土壤学会氮素工作组委员、中国自然资源学会山地资源研究专业委员会委员 承担课程: 本科生:《农业与全球气候变化》、《土壤学》、《土地法学》 硕士生:《农业面源污染》、《根际生态学》 研究生招生专业 硕士:土壤学(科学学位)、资源利用与环境保护(专业学位) 博士:无 Ÿ 2010/09-2014/01,中国科学院南京土壤研究所,土壤学,博士 Ÿ 2007/09-2010/07,中国科学院南京土壤研究所,土壤学,硕士 Ÿ 2003/09-2007/06,williamhill威廉希尔官网资源环境学院,土地资源管理 Ÿ 2010/04-2010/06,2011/12-2012/02,2012/10-2012/12 Ÿ 德国布伦瑞克技术大学 短期研修生 Ÿ 2023.12-至今,williamhill威廉希尔官网,威廉希尔中文官网,教授 Ÿ 2016/01-2023.12,williamhill威廉希尔官网,威廉希尔中文官网,副教授 Ÿ 2015/04-2016/01,williamhill威廉希尔官网“学术骨干”层次人才引进,威廉希尔中文官网,讲师 Ÿ 2014/03-2015/03,澳大利亚墨尔本大学 博士后 一、承担科研项目 Ÿ 科技部“十四五”重点研发计划“川渝瘠薄坡耕地土壤多源增碳消障产品与技术”项目(2022YFD1901400)子课题“坡耕地土壤碳氮扩容产品研发”,2022.11-2026.12, 80万,主持。 Ÿ 国家自然科学基金委员会面上基金,42077096,“不同氮形态契合度下作物调控土壤氮转化过程的作用机理”,2021.01-2024.12,57万、在研、主持。 Ÿ 国家自然科学基金区域创新发展联合基金重点项目“紫色土丘陵小流域水-碳-氮循环耦合过程与机制”,U22A20562,2022.12-2025.12,55万,课题主持。 Ÿ 四川省科技创新人才项目,2021JDRC0034, “植物-土壤-微生物互作过程介导的紫色土-作物体系氮可持续利用机制”,2021.04-2023.03,20万,在研、主持。 Ÿ 科技部“十三五”重点研发计划子课题:“紫色土氮素转化特征与高效利用原理”,2017-2020,82万,在研,主持。 Ÿ 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 41501243、“紫色土发育过程中氮转化过程演变规律研究”,2016/01-2018/12、20万、已结题,主持。 Ÿ 四川省国际合作项目,紫色土坡耕地果园低环境足迹栽培模式研发与综合效益评价,2024-2026. Ÿ “十四五”成都市农业面源污染规划项目,2022,主持,25万。 Ÿ williamhill威廉希尔官网引进人才项目(2015-2019),10万,已结题,主持。 Ÿ 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室开放基金,“石灰性紫色土氮转化特性对其去向的作用机理”,2016-2019,8万,已结题,主持。 Ÿ 二、 指导员工创新创业与技能提升 Ÿ 创新训练计划项目 水稻不同生育期根际与非根际土壤氮转化特性比较研究(2021,国家级)。 Ÿ 科研兴趣培养项目 硝化抑制剂和有机物料添加下AOA和AOB对不同pH土壤硝化过程与N2O产生的贡献比例研究 硝化脲酶抑制剂对不同pH紫色土氮环境去向与作物产量的影响与机制 Ÿ Lan et al., Coexistence of microplastics and Cd alters soil N transformation by affecting enzyme activity and ammonia oxidizer abundance. Environmental Pollution. 2024, 342. Ÿ Lan, T*., Xie, N., Chen, C., et al., 2022. Effects of biological nitrification inhibitor in regulating NH3 volatilization and fertilizer nitrogen recovery efficiency in soils under rice cropping. Science of the Total Environment. 838, 155857-155857. Ÿ Lan, T*., Li, M., He, X., et al., 2022. Effects of synthetic nitrification inhibitor (3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate; DMPP) and biological nitrification inhibitor (methyl 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl) propionate; MHPP) on the gross N nitrification rate and ammonia oxidizers in two contrasting soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils.58, 333-344. Ÿ Ting Lan #*, Yuxiao Huang, Xi Song et al., Biological nitrification inhibitor co-application with urease inhibitor or biochar yield different synergistic interaction effects on NH3 volatilization, N leaching, and N use efficiency in a calcareous soil under rice cropping. Environmental Pollution, 2022 293,118499. Ÿ Lan, T*., He, X., Wang, Q., et al., 2022. Synergistic effects of biological nitrification inhibitor, urease inhibitor, and biochar on NH3 volatilization, N leaching, and nitrogen use efficiency in a calcareous soil-wheat system. Applied Soil Ecology. 174. Ÿ Ting Lan*, Mengxiao Li , Yong Han , Ouping Deng, Xiaoyan Tang , Ling Luo, Jian Zeng, Guangdeng Chen, Shu Yuan, Changquan Wang, Xuesong Gao. (2020). How are annual CH4, N2O, and NO emissions from rice–wheat system affected by nitrogen fertilizer rate and type? Applied Soil Ecology. 150. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2019.103469 Ÿ Ting Lan, Rui Liu, Helen Suter, Ouping Deng et al., 2019. Stimulation of heterotrophic nitrification and N2O production,inhibition of autotrophic nitrification in soil by adding readily degradable carbon. Journal of Soils and Sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments (2020) 20:81–90 Ÿ Ting Lan*, Helen Suter, Rui Liu, Shu Yuan, Deli Chen. (2018). Effects of nitrification inhibitors on gross N nitrification rate, ammonia oxidizers, and N2O production under different temperatures in two pasture soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(28): 28344-28354. Ÿ Ting Lan; Helen Sute; Rui Liu; Xuesong Gao; Deli Chen, Nitrogen transformation rates and N2O producing pathways in two pasture soils, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2018.3.9, 18(6): 1~10 Ÿ Gao, X.#, Deng, O., Ling, J., Zeng, M., & Lan. T*, Effects of controlled-release fertilizer on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions during wheat-growing season: field and pot experiments, Paddy & Water Environment, 2018,1-10 Ÿ Xuesong Gao, Lan T, Deng L, Zeng M. Mushroom residue application affects CH4 and N2O emissions from fields under rice-wheat rotation. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2016, 63(6): 748~760 Ÿ Ting Lan#*, Yong Han, Zucong Cai, Comparison of Gross N Transformation Rates in Two Paddy Soils under Aerobic Condition, Pedosphere, 2017, 27(1): 112-120 Ÿ Ting Lan#*, Yong Han, Zucong Cai*, Denitrification and its product composition in typical Chinese paddy soils, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2015, 51:89-98 Ÿ Jinbo Zhang#*, Ting Lan, Christoph Müller, Zucong*, Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) plays an important role in soil nitrogen conservation in neutral and alkaline but not acidic rice soil,Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2015, 15: 523-531 Ÿ Maximilian Hofmeier#, Marco Roelcke, Yong Han, Ting Lan, Holger Bergmann, Daniela Böhm, Zucong Cai, Rolf Nieder, Nitrogen management in a rice–wheat system in the Taihu Region: Recommendations based on field experiments and surveys, Agriculture , Ecosystems & Environment, 2015, 209: 60-73 Ÿ Ting Lan#, Yong Han, Marco Roelcke, Rolf Nieder, Zucong Cai*, Temperature dependence of gross N transformation rates in two Chinese paddy soils under aerobic condition, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2014, 50: 949-959 Ÿ Ting Lan#*, Yong Han, Marco Roelcke, Rolf Nieder, Zucong Cai*, Sources of nitrous and nitric oxides in paddy soils: nitrification and denitrification, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26: 581–592 Ÿ Ting Lan#, Yong Han, Marco Roelcke, Rolf Nieder, Zucong Cai*, Effects of nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) on gross N transformation rates and mitigating N2O emission in paddy soils, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2013, 67:174–182 Ÿ Ting Lan#*, Yong Han, Marco Roelcke, Rolf Nieder, Zucong Cai*, Processes leading to N2O and NO emissions from two different Chinese soils under different soil moisture contents, Plant and Soil, 2013, 371:611-627 Ÿ 兰婷#*, 韩勇, 两种水稻土氮初级矿化和硝化速率及其与氮肥利用率的关系, 土壤学报, 2013(50)6: 87-94 Ÿ 兰婷#*, 韩勇, 采用15N同位素稀释法研究不同层次土壤氮素总转化速率, 土壤, 2011, 43 (2): 153-160 三、授权专利 Ÿ 兰婷,雷林钢,李梦潇,李俊璋,黄国安.土壤淋洗及气液收集一体化装置.ZL201921141829.8,实用新型专利,排名第一; Ÿ 兰婷,谭春林,赖晶晶.气体培养与收集瓶.ZL201820137220.2,实用新型专利,排名第一。 Ÿ 兰婷,冯腾,黄宇潇,谭春林,李梦潇,张丁.气体流动转换装置.ZL 2019 2 1140791.2. 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